
~Blue Lagoon~

Blue Lagoon is the winning design voted from over 70 designs submitted to best represent the Piece of Cloth logo.

And the name of Blue Lagoon was suggested by our Facebook Fans and also members of thebabywearer.com. We are thrilled with Blue Lagoon and happy to be able to share it with you.



News from Switzerland

Our first Exclusive has the name TURMALINA
and there are 2 versions
The pre-order already started and until march 16th we give a discount of 5%!
And until march 16th too, it's possible to order slings with fringes.
From march 17th we'll have only diagonal ends.

The design is the 2nd place of our contest. The winner will be woven in summer.

TURMALINA will be available in the beginning of May.

Greetings from snowy Switzerland


Giselle from Slings I Love

Hello Giselle!
I'd like to ask you 7 questions:

1. How did the idea of weaving your EG was born?
I like the idea of being able to put the colors you love together to create a beautiful design.

2. When your first EG was made?
Tropical Sea was made in the Spring of 2009.

3. How many EG's have been woven for you so far?
There's Tropical Sea, Magnolia, Sorbet, Felice, Candy Drop and Wrapper's Paradise for Slings I Love. Then for Piece of Cloth there's Blue Lagoon.

4. Do you weave your designs only once or repeatedly?
Most of the time it's only once.

5. Who creates the designs for you?
Most are created by me along with my family. Wrappers Paradise and Blue Lagoon were designed through a design competition.

6. Do you create your EG's according to a certain key? Could you tell us your secret?
The only secret is that I use colors I really love.

7. Are you planning to weave new EG's? When? What kind?
I do have ideas on colorways, but we are also working on developing our own woven wrap so am saving those ideas for our brand.



~Dream~ Pre-Order just Open ...

... thru March 17th

Hand-made in "old/diagonal/weave" technique
each side different

The light-pink edition of the "Dream" will be woven in April
and you will have it in May

Pre-orders paid in full by March 17th receive
almost 17% discount

But hurry up - this is a very limited edition - so first come, first served

The prices to:

Please send your inquiries and pre-orders to olioliwa@yahoo.com



~Dream~ New Design in Old Weave

I'm introducing my new Exclusive Girasol project.

My dream is to make a dream of many of you come true...
a Girasol wrap in the "old" weave
that is a rarity among the designs created nowadays.

Specially for the "old" weave lovers I'm launching a series of limited edition wraps called "Dream".

Each of the series will consist of 1 colour of the warp and a choice from 7 weft colours.

The first edition of the "Dream" will be ready in May.

It will have a delicate, light pink colour on one side
and 1 out of 7 colours to choose from on the other side.

Here are the 7 coloristic duets:
pink/blue pink/olive pink/purple pink/mint pink/silver pink/violet pink/indigo

Only a very limited number (2-5) of wraps will be woven in each of the coloristic versions
making them unique in the whole world.

So don't miss a chance to possess a really exceptional wrap of your dreams.

For orders and inquiries you can contact me at: olioliwa@yahoo.com

Warm - with the upcoming Spring - greetings!


~Boy or Girl~

I'd like to introduce the newest design of Exclusive Girasol



Amelie from Sonnenschnuckel

Hello Amelie! I'd like to ask you 7 questions

1. How did the idea of weaving your EG was born?
I planned it a long time, because it is so fascinating to me to have and see a wrap with my own ideas and colours!
2. When your first EG was made?
Spring 2010
3. How many EG's have been woven for you so far?
The first is going to weave soon!
4. Do you weave your designs only once or repeatedly?
I plan to do every design only one time.
5. Who creates the designs for you?
Myself and friends.
6. Do you create your EG's according to a certain key? Could you tell us your secret?
It's only important to have different edges so its easiert to wrap.
7. Are you planning to weave new EG's? When? What kind?
Fall/winter 2010 - green and red for christmas time!

Thank you very much!


Niina from Liinalapsi

About me, my family and my business

I'm 37 years old, have 2 kids ('07 and 09) and a husband. We live in Southern Finland now but I was born in Northern Finland and spent my childhood there. I started babywearing with my first child when he was about a month old and continued wearing a baby with our little girl at the very first day of her life.

For me babywearing is a natural way of living: it just feels right. Of course wearing a baby makes my days easier: I can get some housework done and cook a meal for my family. I can go out with my older child, have an adventure in the near forest and play with him at the back yard and the little one is always safely with me – usually on my back. My husband carries our kids also willingly.

We try to carry out also other means of attachment parenting: co-sleeping and long breastfeeding are essential for us and we show our love to the kids unconditionally. I have found attachment parenting quite easy with a baby but now with the 3 year old it has become more challenging.

I started my business in year 2008. I had been daydreaming about my own business for a long time. At first my dream was to set up a pet shop because I love animals - especially reptiles and fish – but this dream never came true. Gradually along with my new passion, babywearing, I started to think of starting a babywearing business. Finally I got a change to buy the rights for a bunch of beautiful Finnish Girasol exclusives from Katin Puoti. And at the spring 2008 my webshop Liinalapsi – Wearababy was born.

Liinalapsi inherited 9 exclusive design from Katin Puoti and now 2010 we have 14 gorgeous wraps. Most of our designs are striped and weaved with the ”cross weave” technique. But a few designs are of the ”old weave” with two different sides. These wraps are always two-colored: one color on each side of the wrap. Some of Katin Puoti's wraps were designed by Kati – like the most beloved Earthy Rainbow – but some of them have been designed by other people. My own exclusives are products of my imagination and some are a mix of an old design with some new ideas like new weft color. In the future I will probably need some help with baby wrap designing since my imagination is not unlimited :) So you can expect a contest or baby wrap vote in the future.

At Liinalapsi we try to keep as many of our designs in stock as possible but not all the sizes are available at all times. We offer both diagonal (tapered) ends and fringed ends for our Girasols. The most popular of our design - Earthy Rainbow – is weaved every 2-3 months so the waiting time is not very long, if a certain size is out of stock when a customer claims for it. We keep waiting lists and send customers e-mail when the wrap they asked for is in stock again.
