
Last hours of...

... Wraptile pre-order!

Girasol Wraptile is a two colored diamond weave Girasol wrap with orange
warp and different choices for the weft color. The first batch was sold
out very quickly, so here is the possibility for those who missed it to
get one of the Girasol wraptiles. You can choose between several
different wefts, including two new weft colors:

Agamidae: dark blue weft
Agama lionotus: turquoise weft (new !)
Chamaelonidae: dark purple weft
Colubridae: black weft
Cordylidae: green weft (new !)
Gekkonidae: light purple weft
Cheloniidae: grey weft

More information can be found under lichtmutter.de.


Finally !!! The Winners Are...

Due to the high voting in the rainbow category, we decided to weave the top two! This worked out perfectly as one is a more classic rainbow and the other is a more abstract rainbow that actually fits perfectly as a sustain inspired design as well! We are very excited to work on the finishing touches - stay tuned for some polls on weft and final designs :) Fall exclusives, here we come!
Congratulations Kelly!
Congratulations Naomi!
Congratulations Shanna!!
This was the winner of the Sustain inspired category!! It will be woven and released as one of our spring excllusives :)

edit 21.02.2012
Sustain.bow and Harvest regular weaves are here!! This was a BIG order so it is going to take me a couple days to photograph wraps and package them up for customers. I will work as quickly as my littles let me!!


Finalists of Sustain.able Sprouts Contest

Finalists have been posted for the Girasol Design Contest!!
We took the top 3 voted in designs and then the staff picked one from each category to add to final voting :)
That was really difficult!
Sooooo many great designs were submitted!
Thanks to all of you who spent time putting your wonderful ideas down on "paper" - your designs are lovely and it was a lot of fun to read the stories that were included with many.

FINALISTS - Girasol Design Contest
Rainbow Category
#2in the final version, this design would not have wide black rails
this was done for spacing purposes so that all finalist's image size would match
Colors: 41, 18, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 10. 11. 13. 5. 6

#6staff pick, background was edited to match more closely to the swatches
Colors: background 39 stripe 38 left rail 40 right rail 38
7, 6, 5, 8, 13, 12 ,10, 24, 23, 25, 27, 20, 21, 28, 14, 15, 17, 16, 7, 6, 2, 38, 40, 41

#11Colors: 4, 3, 5, 8, 13, 12, 11, 10, 27, 22, 19, 17, 16, 15, 6, 7

#12colors were edited from original design to match more closely to the swatches
Colors: 7, 6, 2, 1, 9, 10, 25, 23
Designer would like to leave the inspiration a mystery and leave it up for interpretation :)

Sustain Category
#1staff pick
Colors: 36, 35, 34, 37, 25, 11, 10, 33, 10, 26, 12, 23, 10

#20Colors: 23, 22, 27, 38, 39, 40

#21Colors: 24, 23, 25, 10, 11, 12, 13

#22design was edited to match the format for finalist voting
Colors: 39, 29, 6

VOTING INFO: Voting will close on Sunday October 23, 2011 and we will release the winners that next day. Please "like" your favorite design or email your vote to sustainablesprouts @ gmail dot com. Remember, we will be weaving the winning designs- so vote in the same way you would buy! ♥ Pre-order will open up the week of October 24th! ♥



The second editon of 'COCOA' Girasol - younger brother of the CocoaTree named

The pre-order just open!
Pre-orders paid in full by Monday October 17th
receive almost 17% discount.

The prices to:

CocoaDream is expected in December 2011!

Please send your inquiries and pre-orders to olioliwa@yahoo.com



Warm colored baby wrap with extra freshness from thin earthly orange and white stripes.
Cocoa Almond and Nostalgia are on sale until the end of October. We offer -15% discount for these colors. Also Jungle is for 5% discount during October ;)

In the end of October we'll get lots of yummy Girasol exclusives: the new Blue Berry, Pine Tree, Freshness, Earthy Rainbow and Northern Lights.

Also a new batch of Diamond Girasols with pink loom is expected in November. We will get colors Diamond Amethyst, Lavandula, Rainy Day, Old Rosa and two completely new color combinations: pink-turquoise and pink-black!
I have ordered only few pieces of each color.
You can place a pre-order now!

Liinalapsi Wear a Baby