We have a winner!
Lesley captured Spring in this beautiful design! Enjoy a splash in a puddle or watch the buds blossom from the trees!
Design will be submitted to Girasol Wednesday, February 3rd.
Expected arrival ~ Spring, of course! (I'll update on our Facebook Fanpage with more accurate dates once the design is on the loom)
The weave is the newer Girasol style, thinner and very supportive
Now accepting designs for our next
Sweet Pickles Girasol Exclusive, Spring
We will have a design contest for each season this year beginning with Spring.
The chosen design will be named Spring, and our subsequent designs will be named after the other seasons.
And, so, we begin with Spring.
Please let your design reflect this season.
Growth, new beginning, fresh, colorful, vibrant, however you perceive Spring.
Designs for Sweet Pickles Girasol Exclusive, Spring, must be submitted by Friday, January 22, 2010 at 5pm PST.
One design submission per person.
Width of wrap is 70cm
Please specify the width of each stripe (and it's color name) in the design.
Please include an image file of the design layout. (Use a paint program or similar)
Also include the names/numbers of the threads used for the layout.
Please include the weft (cross threads) color.
After designs are submitted a vote will be taken, and the winning design will be offered for preorder.
The designer of the winning design will receive a Sweet Pickles Girasol Exclusive, Spring in their size preference.
Also, a 4.6M Spring will be donated to a babywearing group lending library chosen by the winning designer.
Designs can be submitted to Susan by emailing sweetpickles@wvi.com
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Have fun! Please let me know if you have any questions!
Happy New Year 2010!
This is the place where you will find detailed information about all limited editions - Exclusive Girasol - wraps that have ever been woven anywhere in the world.
I would like it to be as colourful, charming, friendly, "caring" and natural as Girasol wraps themselves.
I invite all Exclusive Girasol aficionados to contribute to this blog.
I hope I managed to track down all EG's that have ever been woven... But if you know about anything that I have omitted please let me know.
If you would like to post photos and stories with your favourite EG or simply share your comments please feel free to do so. I will be glad to post them here. There is plenty of room:) By the way thanks for all the nice words about my blog that I have received from you so far.
I wonder how it will look like one year from now ...
I'm dreaming that it will become the richest possible source of information about the Girasol wraps. I would love to see the enchantment of the Exclusive Girasol wraps spreading around the world and making more and more people familiar with its natural beauty and uniqueness.
As usual the holiday season was extremely busy, I promise to update all entries on an ongoing basis.
I believe that with your help I'll make it perfectly.
So officially I open this blog wishing all of us many new Girasol Exclusives in this New Year of 2010.