
NewYork NewYear's Eve News

... from MetroMinis
We just received three new Girasol colorways.
Of course they all have our signature three stripes.
We really proud of them, take a look and order them at our online store or come to our retail location to check them out.
Our newest Girasol design "Lotus"
Simply Gorgeous!
Introducing the new colorways named after NYC neighborhoods:



of AmitolaGirasol Amitola has 5 different versions of weft now:
Yellow - this is the original weft, as on the fotoshoot with a
beautiful mama and baby girl.This is the brightest weft and our favorite.Creme - this weft preserves the natural colors of Amitola.Pink - the colors of Girasol Amitola are also quite natural with pink weft, but with a bit of pink shade.Purple - this is a dark weft, the darkest purple on the Girasol color chart. For those who prefer the "night" effect of Amitolaand the newest - Crimson.


Winter news

...from snowy Germany Wintersonne

History of Wintersonne
I already had the idea for the basic colours when I created Summer Meadow. Then I conceived the idea of having thin stripes in a third of the wrap – I was just uncertain about those colours. And suddenly, there it was... first of all I googled whether you get rainbows in winter... and yes, you do... even icicles break the light, and usually you get the rainbow spectrum. However, actual rainbows in winter are rare, and so they are really special.

My first child was stillborn over seven years ago and one evening after this there was a rainbow in front of my hospital window... I believed that this meant my child was safe. But then my second child came and went with a double rainbow. From then on, I had little faith in rainbows. I panicked whenever I saw one afterwards. But I learned to trust again, and now I see rainbows as a connection to people who have moved on from the here and now. They are also the connection between yesterday – today – tomorrow ... past – present – future. These wraps are therefore a symbol of connection and support for me. A symbol for my trust in life, my children and myself. And I do hope that many of you will find something special in them too. My children have given me the design and the name. The children of today are the future and we are the connection between old and new. And it seems we are the first generation that connects more to their children and life with a different awareness. Our new children are so full of light and love and teach us so much. We are all individual and very special, as we are what we are, and differences are part of it.

All these are my thoughts and feelings that have played a role in conceiving the wrap. I was going to call it Winter Solstice as the days get longer from then on and the time of long dark days is changing. Even in winter there is a lot of warmth, light and sun. Sometimes it is hidden by the clouds, but it is there. This design is supposed to remind of the wonders of nature, life and beautiful things in winter.