
RainbowDreamBis Diamond 2nd edition >>> PreOrder

Preorder started the 20th of June and you can choose all colors of the weft from Girasol colorchart:

>>RainbowDreamBis<< will be woven in diamond weave.

"RainbowDreamBis" will be woven and released as one of our late Summer exclusives :)
You can receive one of them on September 2014.

Second edition will be woven in DIAMOND technique!!!

There are simulation in different colors of the weft:

crema de nube

flan de caramelo

rosa fuchsia



azul pacifico

azul capitan

perla humada

Please send your inquiries and pre-orders to olioliwa@yahoo.com

But hurry up - this is a very limited edition - so first come, first served!!!




Girasol exclusive Rosalyn - toddler weave/double weft.

Available in cuervo (black) & purpura romana (purple) weft.