
Sadie's Rainbow

New exclusive design from Wearababy and Wrap Baby Boutique!
Estimated delivery time is in August-September 2015.
Customers in the USA: you can also buy the wrap from Wrap Baby Boutique
Sadie's Rainbow is not available for retailers for the first 6 months.


Design contest Slingomama for a new Girasol Exclusive

- Send in your design before april 17th 2015 to info@slingomama.nl
- The max size of your design is 700 x 400 and it has to be send in as a .jpg format.
- You can only use colors from the colorchart below. The pattern can be only with stripes.

Slingomama may take more than one design into production and all taken designs will be a property of Slingomama.
If we take your design into production, you will receive a Girasol wrap in the size, weaving type (twill, diamond,
herringbone, double weft), and weft color of your choice once it is ready!

There will be an INDICATIVE poll, which means that people will be able to like your design, but the highest amount of likes
will not always mean that the design will be taken into production.

Make sure you are not designing a wrap which already exists: