
Mirjam from BabyGarten

Hello Mirjam!
I'd like to ask you 7 questions:

1. How did the idea of weaving your EG was born?
I had the idea because I love pastel colors in combination with small stripes.
The idea was to create a wrap which includes a male and a female part that unite in the mid of the wrap.
It came after I gave birth to my daughter to me. One side represents the father, the other side the mother.
In between there is love or the child, green and white the colours of hope and purity.

2. When your first EG was made?
In autumn of 2010.
3. How many EG's have been woven for you so far?
Only one - Love.
4. Do you weave your designs only once or repeatedly?
5. Who creates the designs for you?
I create them together with my daughter and her father.
6. Do you create your EG's according to a certain key? Could you tell us
your secret?
While I create them, I consider the golden ratio.
7. Are you planning to weave new EG's? When? What kind?
Yes I am planning new designs, they are ready in the drawer and top secret.

Thank you very much!

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