
Vanessa from Wombathöhle

Hello Vanessa!
I'd like to ask you 7 questions:

1. How did the idea of weaving your EG was born?
As I love wraps and have so many ideas, I started thinking to get those ideas woven into a real wrap.
2. When your first EG was made?
The first design “Omis Obstsalat” is already on the way and will be in my shop at the end of April/ early May.
3. How many EG's have been woven for you so far?
One is on the road, one pre-order is currently open at my FBpage and soon on my homepage too.
4. Do you weave your designs only once or repeatedly?
In case there are enough people interested, I would love to reweave!
5. Who creates the designs for you?
Just me ;-)
6. Do you create your EG's according to a certain key? Could you tell us your secret?
No secret at all, just a running-wild brain *lol*
7. Are you planning to weave new EG's? When? What kind?
Waldbeeren are up for pre-order at the moment. It will be a diamond-weave and you can choose 4 wefts. As “Omis Obstsalat” will look more boyish, the “Waldbeeren” will be more girlish.

Thank you very much!

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