

Hand-made in cross-weave technique, each side the same.

RainbowDreamy will be woven for the end of Summer 2013!

This is a very limited edition - so first come, first served!
Hurry up!

You could choose all wefts from Girasol colourchart.

"RainbowDreamBis" - older sister was woven in the following wefts {from the left to right} : perla humada, black, azul capitan, azul holandes, columbia, azul pacifico, tinte azul, rosa fuchsia, purpura llamativa, purpura romana, fresa silvestre, rojo rococo, nectarine, azafran, bronceado, bonbon de limon, verde lechuga, crema de nube

Please send your inquiries and pre-orders to olioliwa@yahoo.com

Pre-order prices are the same as for RainbowDreammer
to Europe, USA&Canada and Australia ~Ola

RainbowDreammer in action!