
'Tis the season 1001 2011 30th 7ColoursOfRainbow Abby's Lane Abby'sLane Aega AfterTheStorm Aglaia Airdnaxela Allegra alphabet Always Ambrosia Amelia Amelie Amica Amitola AnaraSlings Andromeda Anemone anniversary Antje Apple april ArcticRainbow Ardent Atitlan Atlas Aurora Aurora'sRainbow Autumn Autumnal Polka AutumnEarth AvalonRainbow Avery Avery'sDelight Avery’sDelight Avilene baby babycarrier Babyfein BabyGarten BabyMumma BabyRoo BadWolf BalticDolls BarefootRainbow Bay BB8 Becca Beetlebums BellaMamaBirth Bellatrix Benjamin BeOurGuest Berlin Berries BettyLou Betula BigSur BilberryBeck BilberryRock Birch birth birthday black BlackBerry BlackCurrant BlackOpal Blautanne Bling Bliss BlossomingMama blue Blue Berries BlueBerry BlueBerryTree BlueIkat BlueLagoon BlueMouse Bonfire BosiesForBaby Boy Or Girl Bravery BrightSunshineyDay Bromeliad BronzeRainbow brown BurgElfeck BurgfräuleinKunigunde Calantha CalicoSunshine Calme Camden'sCove CandyCloud CaraCara Carson's Cove Castaño CatFish Celesztina Chakras Chaos Charcoal Ikat Charlie Chelsea CherryPie Chichcastenango Chichi Chococabana Chocolate Chouchous Christmas chronology CloseAtHandBabywearing CloudyDay Clover clustrmaps CocoaAlmond CocoaDream CocoaTree ColdDesert colorchart ColorfulBaby ColorfulRainbow colours Columbia company contest CornflowerCorner Corrina'sRainbow Cosmea CosmicRainbow crema de nube cross-weave crossweave Cunning darkblue DarkNight DarkSideOfRainbow Dax Daydream Deag DearestDiapers DearestRainbow decal delicate Delicious delivery DenV design Dessa'sDream diagonal diamond Diamons'n'Stripes dobble weft doll Donau double double face DoubleDreamBis DoublePearl DoubleRainbow DoubleRainbowGradient Downunder Dream DreamOn Dreamscape Drop DustyRoses EarlySpring easter Ecoalternativa ecru eko ElementalRainbow ElephantEars Elf Elsa Emagene Emilia Enfys especially Ethan ExtraVirgin fabric Facebook Fairytale family fan Faye FB feedback Felice Filemon Finalistene FireRainbow Firework fischgrat fishgrat Flamenco Folia Folk Folklor FolkloRainbow FolkRainbow Forest Berries FreeElf FreshGrapes Freshness Frigga fringes FruitSalad FSOT Funtime Gabriel'sRainbow Gaia Galaxy gallery Gatsby GeTragen GildedWings Girasol GirasolTheOneAndOnly Giselle Glace GlaMoor Gleam of Sun Gletschereis Głosowanie GoldenGat GoodJuJu Gooseberry Gotham GothicRainbow gradation GrandTurk GranolaBabies green GreenPathBaby GreenSmoothie grey Guatemala Hanami hand-made Harmony HarperStreet Harvest HeatherMist Heaven on Earth Heaven'sLove Hedwig´s Rainbow herringbone HerzogKunibert HighLights history Home homebirth honeycomb HopeInTheDark Hordozók HP Hunter IBelieveInRainbow IBIR ikat Illusion Imps&Pixies in stock Inara'sRainbow incarnation IndigoFog Infinitum Inseparable interview Inverno invitation Iridescence italian Italien Izabela Jack Jesienna Polka jubilee Jungle Juxtapose Kaatje Kaktus KaliDesigns Kameleon Kaskisavu Kaszëbë KelleightBelle Keonislings Keshet Klonka-Klonka KnappeFritz konkurs Kristen Kujawiaczek LaChicaBonita Lady Almathea LadyLiberty Laguna Lakshman Lantana LavenderLemonade LaZenAttitude Leah'sJoy Legacy lenght Lesley liberty LichterMeer Lichtmeer LichtMutter Liinaapsi Liinalapsi LittleFoxFluff LittleLala LittleRainbow Liz Loix Lollipop Lotus Lotusbarn Love LuciousRainbow LuLu Luscious Rainbow MadameJordan Magda MagdWilberta Magica MagnificentRainbow Mama-genta MamaNatura Maracuja Marley MarsupialMama Mary's Journey Mathilda'sRainbow Maya's Rainbow McRainbowFusion Mediterráneo Meeru memory MercadoRainbow Mermaid Metamorphosis MetroMinis Micah'sRainbow Mightnight Snack Mila MilleEtUnPorteBebes MiniMaxi Minimeck Mirjam MisCanguritos MistyMountains Mojave Mojito MomsMilkBoutique MonkeyMeiTai Monsoon Moor Motley Mr.Fox Mr'n'Mrs X MT Muchness multicolour Mumaroo MyGirasol MySol Mystic Mystica MysticalTopaz Myth Nachtlicht Narumi Neapolitan newborn news NightOwlRainbow Niina Nisus NorternLights Nostalgia obsession Odin oekotest Ola old weave Olga OmisObstsalat OneLove Ooiebeest orange OrbitAroundASupernova Orchid original own Pamaki Papaya Paradise ParrotCay pastel PaxBaby Peace PeacockEye Pearl Phenomenon Phoenix PineTree pink PinkletinkBaby Pirates'sCove Pistachio Pleione POC Polish pre-order Prema preorder presentation Pretap PrideNotPredjudice Prisma production Pucker PuestaDelSol purple PurpleElmBaby PurpleRain quality Rachel'sRainbow RadiatingRainbow Raeden raffle rainbow Rainbow of Nature Rainbow&Stripes RainbowBeach RainbowDream RainbowDreamBis RainbowDreammer RainbowDreamy RainbowFairy RainbowForLife RainbowGem RainbowLollipop RainbowOfLove RainbowPrincess RainbowRipple RainbowSerpent Rainbowside RainbowSprings RainbowsStripes RainbowSugar Rainforest Ram Rasta Rastafari Rastaman RebelRainbow red Reflection Regenstein reggae regular Remix Riah's Rainbow RingTai Rio Risaroo RitterBalduin Riverland Romantique Ronja Rosalyn Rosengarten RS Ruthy Sadie'sRainbow Samba Sandia Santa Fe Sarah Satomi Savannah SchöenesTragen Schwarzbeere Seaside SeasonElements SecondHand SecretGarden Seelenliebe semifinale ShadowsOfRainbow Sheerwood Sierra SimpleRain SirenSong Sita size Sling'n'Things SlingoMama SlingsILove SlingyRoo SlowRainbow Smile SnowFlame SnowRainbow SoHo Somewhere Sommerwiese Sonara Sonnenschnuckel Sonshine´sRainbow Sotrala SoulRebel Spring SpringRain SproutSoup Starlight Reflections stash store Stormy Strawberry stripes Summer SummerBeach SummerSun Sunneundergang SunshineLullaby SunshineRainbow SuperNova SurpriseRainbow Sustain.ableSprouts Sustain.bow SuT SweetFlag SweetPeaBoutique SweetPickles Symphuo Tabitha Tahoe Takoda Telluride Tettinntil TheCarryingOnProject thicker Thistle Thor Tinoki TinyKisses toddler Toulon Trageberaterin Trageberatung TrageShop Tree of Life Triton TT Tula TulaBabyCarriers Turmalina turquoise twill Ula UmbrellaDrink UnderTheRainbow Unicorn Untitled Upelkuchen UppyBaby Ursula Valencia Vamp Vanessa Velinaya Velvet VeniVidiBlogi ViceVersa Vida Viento Viki violet Virvatuli visitors vote voting Wacholder Waimea Waldbeeren Waldorf warp Warrior'sPride Watermelon Wear a Baby WearingIsCarring WeddingCake weft whit white WhiteLand wide Wiiberchram WildOrchid Willow Windansea Wine winner winners winter Winter Icicles WinterRose Winters Wintersonne WinterSun WinterWinds Wisdom Wobniar Wombathöhle WorldPrematurityDay WovenWraps WrappedInCloth Wrappers' Paradise WrapScrapStash Wraptile WrapYourBaby Xela'sRainbow yellow yelow Zachód Słońca Zauberschein Zen Zenith ZigZag Zunil



We have been spending many a night reading Greek Mythology. We recently finished reading the myth of Perseus and of all his daring pursuits. My boys were struck by the story of Andromeda--as punishment for her mother's boasting, Andromeda was chained to rock as a sacrifice to appease a vengeful sea monster. Perseus, who happened to pass by on his return from killing the Gorgon, rescued Andromeda and married her. Her story goes silent after her marriage. My boys and I spent a night making up stories about Andromeda. My oldest thinks she became a mama and took care of everyone all while working and being a teacher. My middle child thinks she became a warrior princess who fought dragons with Perseus. My youngest isn't old enough to voice his opinion, but he was thoroughly delighted with the pictures of the sea monster who was intent on eating the poor, chained Andromeda.

This Girasol is my interpretation of the Andromeda story. The black spaces represent the gaps in her story: those dark absences that have been forgotten by myth and history. The bright stripes of blue, green, and purple represent youth, freshness, and adventure. I would like to think that Andromeda went to to be a warrior princess who fought dragons alongside Perseus, all while wearing her babes on her back. That the dark spaces are not necessarily absences, but the quiet time she spent in contemplation while wearing or nursing her babe. Is that too much of a stretch?
This Gira also all calls to mind the Andromeda galaxy and constellation. If you squint your eyes just right, the stars in the Andromeda constellation turn into a hazy blur of purples and blues against the inky night sky. These wraps have already been ordered from Girasol.
We are looking at a March/April delivery date.
This weft for this Girasol will be black.

For those of you who want a softer Andromeda. This version has a dark blue background. It is a diamond weave and will have a navy blue weft. The perfect finish for such a stellar constellation!

These wraps have already been ordered from Girasol. We are looking at a May 2013 delivery date.

And this is the companion to Andromeda. I have to admit I am not a big, red, orange and yellow person, but man, I like this combo and I would like to think it sort of fits quite well with Andromeda.

A super nova is the grand and brilliant explosion of a dying star. They are extraordinarily bright and the fallout radiation from a super nova explosion can outshine an entire galaxy before it slowly fades from view. These explosions are significant because they can initiate the formation of new stars and they can seed the galaxy with higher mass elements that help in the creation of galactic dust, a necessary element in the formation of stars and planets.

So how does this relate to Andromeda, besides the fact that is a stellar reference? In the story in my head, Super Nova is the answer to Andromeda's lack of story. I guess this could be read as depressing. After Andromeda's bright and explosive entry in Greek Mythology, her story sort of ends in a void. But instead, I would like to think of Andromeda as a super nova. Brilliant and bright, sending her rays out into the galaxy to create new and amazing stars and planets, so her story continues on and on for eternity. Pretty cool, huh?

So, a super nova isn't solely a collapse of a big star; it's the promise of many new stars to come.
These wraps have already been ordered from Girasol. We are looking at a March/April delivery date.
This weft for this Girasol will be black.

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